NSS Home Page -> Nature Sounds Newsletter -> Spring 1998 -> Letter from the Chair

Image of the Howlin Wolf

Letter From the Chair 3/98
by Jason Reinier

Welcome to Spring...wait a minute...was that rain I heard falling, AGAIN? I had the most amazing experience just yesterday. I was out on a beautiful spring day, the sun was shining, there were no clouds in the sky that I could see, and the sky was perfectly blue...but it was still raining. I couldn't believe it. I thought, "This is truly the act of El Nino, rain even when there are no clouds above my head."

Even as El Nino fades away, we must ask ourselves, "What effect will all of this rain and these strange weather patterns will have on the recording season? How will the birds respond? Will the pool of species be different?" My experince so far has been that the birds are just thrilled that it's even slightly drier and are starting to sing early. I was in the Sierra-Nevada near Lake Tahoe, and the birds were already starting to chorus in certain areas, regardless of record snow pack. We hope that the birds are in fine form for our Annual Field Recording Workshop at Yuba Pass this year. Make sure to mark your calendars: the workshop will be held June 5-7 at the SF State Field Campus. Join us to find out just how the birds respond to El Nino.

You may notice a few changes in our newsletter this issue. Mark Goddard, who has been our Newsletter Co-editor for many years, will be taking a temporary leave from the Board of Directors. The newlsetter graphics and layout have improved immensely under Mark's supervision and we will greatly miss his expertise. Mark will continue to edit our website which can be found at www.naturesounds.com. We wish him the best of luck in the coming months. Paul Feyling has jumped in to facilitate editing this issue and we thank him for his hard work. Paul and Bill Gilbert have teamed up to edit the content of the newsletter over the past two years and their efforts have helped create some of the best articles we have published to date. Special thanks to Alexis Spakoski who is publishing this issue of Nature Sounds. As members, we welcome your contributions to Nature Sounds. Please fill out our interactive forms on page 18 and send us anything that you would like to share in our "Member News" category.

The Board of Directors has been working hard to gear up for our events coming up this Spring. I would like to thank Amy Hunter (Event Chair), Nancy Rieser (Membership Chair), Sharon Perry (Recording Secretary), Don Benson (Treasurer), and Guillermo Galindo (NSS Resource Assistant) for their outstanding work. We hope you'll join us for our Tech Talk 98 in May and the workshop in June.

Articles from Spring 1998

  Letter From the Chair

Recording Possibilities for the Spring, Summer and Fall

Sound Recording Adventures in Antarctica (3): Recording at the Sea-Ice Edge

The Recording Club at the Sacramento NWR

Nature Sounds Newsletter

NSS Home Page

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